Blogger Templates

Thursday 15 March 2012

Its been a while.....

So this term has been very difficult to try and balance work/auditions/uni.
I have a lot of hand written work which finding the time to type up has proven difficult.

I have various ideas to play on for my enquiry but the initial questions I asked myself were:

1) Do I have the correct qualifications to become a successful performer?

2) Do I even need qualifications to be in this industry? (Inspiration from talking to many auditionee's)

3) Does it matter where I train?

4) How do I change my reputation or build a reputation in the industry when I have a limited amount of contacts?

5) How do my actions in my day to day life affect me as a performer?

6) How does my performance level change with certain performers in class or auditions?

In module 1, I touched on confidence and knowledge, and how we relay this to various people in different scenarios, and this is something I feel I would like to take further.

Therefore in my next blog I will post my mind map of this topic.


  1. Emma I think mapping these out would be helpful - the idea of the need for qualifications might be expanded into what experience is needed? The idea of collecting ideas form others in your filed is a good one - as the final inquiry might be looking at knowledge and understanding that can be shared with others. Others seem to be centred around what your 'do' as a performer - can this be compared to others? What about other roles in the industry. What about using Eraut's traits of knowledge - how are you deliberation on knowledge and confidence? Is there a wealth of knowledge banked in the sector? If so, where can we find it?

  2. In reference to the importance of where you trained..It is always good to have a recognised name behind you. But you can go to these schools and still become a nobody. Where there are people who had no training at all and become huge! People such as Helena Bonham Carter..
